Maximum concentration is given to our customer service and the collection
area to create high returns for our clients. With high returns for quality
clients, our company will continue to operate successfully and profitably.
The collection department is staffed with experienced, professional
collectors. Our collectors have been trained and certified on the Fair
Debt Collection Practice Act (FDCPA) and the Fair Credit Reporting Act
(FCRA). Our training is thorough and continuous. With highly motivated
collectors, our clients can expect the highest returns.
The owner of ECC is actively involved in controlling the daily operation and direction of the company. With this kind of participation, operations can be managed effectively to create mutually profitable relationships.
Our reputation with existing clients must bear out our contentions. We are proud of our accomplishments and we plan to continue this pattern in years to come.
Healthcare Accounts
The management at ECC has
over 50 years of experience in Healthcare Collections. |
Discovery & Litigation
ECC will apply extensive
methods in the location of
viable assets for the purpose
of litigation when necessary.
ECC will provide you with all of
the reports that you need or
want on a monthly, quarterly,
or annual basis. |
(800) - 417 - 7549
(262)-691-9147 (fax) |

We understand that our ultimate goal is to collect every account in full. We are also mindful of the fact that our clients want all of their customers to be treated with dignity and respect. At ECC, every collector is a trained professional that will make every effort to maintain that goodwill.
© Eagle Collection Corp. |